Auto Complete Orders

Tired of manually switching over orders from processing to complete? Then this is the ideal Add-on for you, Auto Complete Orders will automatically complete virtual and/or downloadable products or even all orders if that’s what you prefer.


Automatically Complete Paid Orders!

Tired of manually switching over orders from processing to complete? Then this is the ideal Add-on for you, Auto Complete Orders will automatically complete virtual and/or downloadable products or even all orders if that’s what you prefer.

Normally, orders with successful payment are updated from ‘pending’ to ‘processing’. Once the order is processed, you have to manually complete orders. If your shop is processing a large number of orders each day, updating the order status to complete for each of those orders can be a time commitment drain.

But if you don’t need to use the “processing” status, you can use Auto Complete Orders to automatically mark paid orders as “complete,” skipping the “processing” status. Just give us a call or send an email and in a few minutes we can get it all setup for you so you never have to worry about changing order statuses again.

It’s one of our most affordable Add-ons and for organizations that sell primarily virtual products (memberships, donations, etc.) it’s a no-brainer.

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