Ravi Shankar Opera Project

web design | lead generation

The Ravi Shankar Opera Project website chronicles the creation of an opera in production that tells the story of the completion of the opera Sukanya, upon which Pandit Ravi Shankar was working at the time of his passing in December 2012. Ravi Shankar envisaged Sukanya as a truly groundbreaking piece of musical theatre which will explore the common ground between the music, dance and theatrical traditions of India and the West. To get an idea of how much excitement the project is generating, it is currently being funded by Arts Council England, The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Curve Theatre Leicester and Norwich Arts Centre.

Website Highlights

  • The site relies on a unique, non-slider approach that promotes a user interface that serves as navigation and reinforces the cymatic graphic design that is part of the project core.
  • The graphic design relies on the use of strong color palette and helped keep fees to a bare minimum.
  • The logo was generated via an Indian style font family.
  • Liberal use of tabs allows a substantial amount of content to be inserted into single pages, such as the resource content.
  • The clean, clear block design for the homepage works beautifully in tablet and smartphone layouts.
  • The main navigation menu item background colors match their corresponding homepage navigation boxes.


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